Timberframe/wattle and daub

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Timberframe/wattle and daub

Post by Rustyme »

I shall be making a timber frame wattle and daub house with a thatch roof . It will only be small , about 25' by 10' or so but only me in it so not too small . Heating and cooking will be wood fired as it is all now in my caravan . I will also be making a similar house but on the lines of an anglo Saxon house . This I will use for when I want to live like an anglo Saxon , I want to do living history in that era . I may have to start my own group as there is nothing remotely local here , not sure how many wannabe anglo Saxons there are round here , but hey I will do it anyway , even on my own .
So this will be my bug out place when tshtf , all of 50 yards from my home ......
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Re: Timberframe/wattle and daub

Post by Cocotte »

Some people might be more interested in helping the building rather than trying to live it.
Worth checking out local trade schools, see if anyone is interested in having a go. There's usually some instructor too sore to do their trade daily but bored of teaching keen for a quick broadening of their knowledge.

You can always check out what grants are available if you offer up the occasional tour for young school kids.

Might be worth a thought
Vitamin c
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Re: Timberframe/wattle and daub

Post by Vitamin c »

What a great project..
Best of anglo saxon luck to you.

Photos please.
Fill er up jacko...
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Re: Timberframe/wattle and daub

Post by grenfell »

When I was in restoration I worked on a number of timber framed buildings , I'm a joiner or carpenter depending on where you live . Cill plates were a common job to replace as they do eventually rot and in some places had been replaced with brick. That was or is also common with regards to the panels , wattle and daub replaced with bricks which in turn imposes more weight on the building. That got replaced , sometimes with "proper" wattle but sometimes with stainless expanded mesh and then coated with the lime, sand , straw and cow muck. It was an enjoyable job , well except for those times when we were mauling huge timbers and crushing fingers....
Good luck to your project.
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Re: Timberframe/wattle and daub

Post by Arzosah »

Wonderful! If you do look at grants and whatnot, remember the phrase "experimental archaeology" - and I bet re-enactors would travel a long way to you.
Vitamin c
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Re: Timberframe/wattle and daub

Post by Vitamin c »


In this video by ta outdoors he shows how just 2 men can build a large hut using wattle and daub technology.
Think of the cost of a large modern shed at least £500 upwards and would to be around in 15 years...?.
Fill er up jacko...