So i want to bury a shipping container

Homes and Retreats
Posts: 46
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Re: So i want to bury a shipping container

Post by Baloo »

i suppose i should explain what i mean by the brakes work backwards,
on a commercial vehicle in most countries we have "safety brakes" where compressed air is used to hold the the brake shoes off the brakes drums allowing you to drive, when you press the brake pedal it lets the air out of the brake chamber allowing springs to push the brake shoes onto the drums thus stopping you, if you get an air leak or the pedal fails the air escapes and the brakes come on which is why you see all those lorry skids mark marks on the motorway where they have had a pipe burst or become detached and the brakes lock on..
a zil works the other way you apply air to the brake chamber to push the brakes on they work just fine until you lose air form a broken pipe leaky valve etc etc then you have no brakes at all, not good you would think unless its an army vehicle and your taking fire , if you brake lines get damaged by an ied or gun fire you can still drive out of the situation you can always crash into a hedge latter to stop, its all about keeping the vehicle moving as long as possible, there are other things too that keep it moving after what would stop a uk vehicle, uk just uses a civilian lorry painted green i believe which means that if it get its airlines damage while under attack you cant drive away you just have to wait and hope help arrives before you are attacked further
the way the brakes work gives you an issue driving them on uk roads but most folk declare they are mot exempt and use them anyway its not like the police no what they are looking at but if you have an accident then the do do might hit the fan
I started off with nothing and still have most of it left
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Re: So i want to bury a shipping container

Post by grenfell »

Very interesting to read about your ZIL . I would like something along those lines although I couldn't see my wife being too happy although saying that we did look at the possibility of buying a Trabant some time ago. Some of that is down to an interest in East Germany , two cases of East German cameras on the wall she doesn't mind but would probably draw the line at a 6x6 truck. I used to be a member of a now defunct forum for those interested in eastern bloc collecting and so on.. I remember a poster asking about a lining on an East German jacket and getting an answer along the lines of the joy of collecting this stuff is it's tattiness making it attractive , it's low quality is the quality that's endearing , if that makes sense.
Anyway sorry for taking your bunker thread off topic.
Posts: 46
Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2018 6:59 pm

Re: So i want to bury a shipping container

Post by Baloo »

No problem at all happy to discuss anything
I never was very good at keeping on track lol
I started off with nothing and still have most of it left