I have two x 20Litre (New) jerrycans of diesel which was bought at a local petrol station in July 2019. It was for use in my 1.6L old diesel car.
Fool that I am, I never rotated it, so it is well past the recommended storage age of 6-12 months.
Now, I'm planning to sell the car in about 15 weeks and I've run down the fuel tank to 5L. I would typically use 75L of fuel in that time.
This is going to be a gamble, so I'd like the collective opinion, especially of those with experience using old diesel. I'm thinking of using this old stuff in a 50:50 mix with fresh.
Don't judge me too harshly.

BP says 12Months not a problem in a full jerry can.
https://www.bp.com/content/dam/bp/count ... ndling.pdf
These mavericks said JFDI
https://www.lrukforums.com/threads/dies ... ans.79363/
This is the consensus
Please don't just direct me to google searches showing me the accepted answer of 'don't do it'. The accepted answer is that it degrades after 6-12 months. I get that. But it has not been in a rusty vehicle tank. It has not been in an half empty, oxygen rich tank. It's not been allowed access to water. And most of all, I don't care if my car runs a bit smokey or lumpy. This is a one off exercise in running the car on rubbish fuel. So long as the car can do a 15 mile round trip a few times and limp home, I won't be too bothered. If the car suffers some damage, such as blocked injectors or filter, then I will have lost the wager, unless draining it and purging with some clean fuel can fix it.
I figure there are worse mavericks than me, happily running their lorries on crappy fuel.
Who'd risk it?
Alternatively, how does one dispose of 40L of old diesel? could I give it to someone to use in a space heater?
I don't know anyone with oil fired home heating.