Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

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Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by jennyjj01 »

I'm just curious as to how many of us count ourselves as full on survivalists, and how many of us have prepped for just the odd bump in the road.

For the purposes of this, I'll loosely define

Prepper-lite: One who plans for short-medium term crisis, say < 6 months of serious but not terminal breakdown

Prepper : A person who gathers materials and makes plans in preparation for surviving a major disaster or cataclysm (such as worldwide economic collapse or war)

Survivalist: One who has prepared to survive in the anarchy of an anticipated breakdown of society.

Those latter two definitions from Merriam-Webster. Note the subtle distinction where 'Prepper' IS making plans where Survivalist HAS prepared.

I'm going to vote myself a slightly top end Prepper-lite.

Later we can maybe compare the merits of all three approaches.
Last edited by jennyjj01 on Sat Nov 11, 2023 7:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by ForgeCorvus »

I suppose going by these definitions I too would be towards the upper half of Prep-lite...... But then so are most of the LDS (assuming they've stuck to doctrine) and anyone of my Grandmother's generation (not that there is many of them left nowadays).

I once read that a Prepper learns to make soap, a Survivalist to how to reload ammunition.

I'm interested where this will go
jennyjj01 wrote:"I'm not in the least bit worried because I'm prepared: Are you?"
Londonpreppy wrote: At its core all prepping is, is making sure you're not down to your last sheet of loo roll when you really need a poo.
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Re: Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by deckard »

I don't think I'm even on the lower end of that scale, but try not to be completely unprepared. Prepared for very minor bumps.
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Re: Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by pseudonym »

Prepper lite

I rely on Utilities tied to the grid though I could last without them.

I rely on someone else to cut, split and deliver my wood though I could last without them

I rely on someone else to grow, harvest and deliver my food though I could last without them

I have neither the land, time or age on my side to adjust the three sentences above nor anyone to pass all my efforts onto.
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Re: Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by GillyBee »

Prepper-Lite for us too. We do not have enough health or land on our side to go full prepper or survivalist. If SHTF big time I doubt either of us has the physicality needed to last long. We prep for bumps in the road and if needed, the ability to live in a much simpler society and hopefully be viewed as sources of useful know how..
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Re: Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by jennyjj01 »

jennyjj01 wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:06 pm I'm just curious as to how many of us count ourselves as full on survivalists, and how many of us have prepped for just the odd bump in the road

Later we can maybe compare the merits of all three approaches.
As a side topic, I wonder if having children shapes (y)our approach to prepping?
I've no kids and aspire for us to survive >10-20 years* comfortably, then the world can explode. If we had kids, we would want them to survive lots longer in the world we hand down to them. They'd also be a resource as potential helpers/carers in our latter years.

*Depending on pension and running down savings for so very long is a scary process.
Graceful Degradation! Prepping's objective summed up in two words. Turning Disaster into Mild Inconvenience by the power of fore-thought

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Re: Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by GeeGee »

jennyjj01 wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:05 pm
jennyjj01 wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:06 pm I'm just curious as to how many of us count ourselves as full on survivalists, and how many of us have prepped for just the odd bump in the road

Later we can maybe compare the merits of all three approaches.
As a side topic, I wonder if having children shapes (y)our approach to prepping?
I've no kids and aspire for us to survive >10-20 years* comfortably, then the world can explode. If we had kids, we would want them to survive lots longer in the world we hand down to them. They'd also be a resource as potential helpers/carers in our latter years.

*Depending on pension and running down savings for so very long is a scary process.
I see myself as the latter two but what I see and what would be reality is probably very different matter how I see myself running like a cave woman through wasteland surviving whatever shtf I doubt it'll happen that way
Having kids does change it but having grandkids takes it to the whole new level
Two more babies on the way taking tally to 13 grandkids 6 for me 7 for OH so with the prepping there is always baby milk baby anything included ..when covid first hit my daughter was outside the chemist crying on the phone to me all the baby milk had gone from every shop/supermarket/ chemist .. the lactose free stuff at that
So the stash were three tins of lactose free baby milk and nappies various baby creams etc
Watching her come to house standing outside window with the 3 kids one in a sling barely a few weeks old was heartbreaking ...very worrying
She is also a prepper now and a blooming good one at that
All she says is mum was right :)
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

GeeGee wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:41 pm
jennyjj01 wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:05 pm
jennyjj01 wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:06 pm I'm just curious as to how many of us count ourselves as full on survivalists, and how many of us have prepped for just the odd bump in the road

Later we can maybe compare the merits of all three approaches.
As a side topic, I wonder if having children shapes (y)our approach to prepping?
I've no kids and aspire for us to survive >10-20 years* comfortably, then the world can explode. If we had kids, we would want them to survive lots longer in the world we hand down to them. They'd also be a resource as potential helpers/carers in our latter years.

*Depending on pension and running down savings for so very long is a scary process.
I see myself as the latter two but what I see and what would be reality is probably very different matter how I see myself running like a cave woman through wasteland surviving whatever shtf I doubt it'll happen that way
Having kids does change it but having grandkids takes it to the whole new level
Two more babies on the way taking tally to 13 grandkids 6 for me 7 for OH so with the prepping there is always baby milk baby anything included ..when covid first hit my daughter was outside the chemist crying on the phone to me all the baby milk had gone from every shop/supermarket/ chemist .. the lactose free stuff at that
So the stash were three tins of lactose free baby milk and nappies various baby creams etc
Watching her come to house standing outside window with the 3 kids one in a sling barely a few weeks old was heartbreaking ...very worrying
She is also a prepper now and a blooming good one at that
All she says is mum was right :)

Mother knows best 🤣. Trying to get my sister on the level now she's a mum something has slightly set in but who am I kidding disasters never happen.... Was cat sitting last week.... "You've no water at home". "have you changed the cats water?". "Yes.".. "How," used what was left in the Tassimo tank ... Wasn't a issue if it got thirsty there was the toilet bowl :lol:

Supposed I'm a Hinze 57 Verity of the above list..

Mainly prepper light but have the kit and the knowhow to a degree in to the others
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by Kiwififer »

Diet prepper here.

Living in Scotland, I’m more interested in what to do if we are snowed in or the lights go out rather than what to do if Vlad chucks a missile at us as I live pretty close to the castle and it’s the natural aiming point for the city. I couldn’t escape it so I don’t worry about it.

Interesting article in the Guardian yesterday about a couple of prepper shops in that while they sell ITEOTWAWKI stuff, a lot of folk are buying sleeping bags that will get folk through winter if they have to keep the heating switched low. Sign of the times and all that. ... -is-coming
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Re: Prepper -'lite' or full on survivalist

Post by Trojanhorse »

Are there many survivalists in the UK? Plenty in the USA as we know.