House fire

Homes and Retreats
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Re: House fire

Post by GeeGee »

Headlines in our local paper are that the statistics for our area theres been a 20% rise in accidental fires in the home from April to December ..not even a full year
8 fatal ... biggest jump in the whole country .. poor area ? Can't afford the gas and electric? Who knows
The neighbours of mine ..indoor extension lead hanging out of upstairs window with 4 indoor plugs attached to power their massive flashing star and indoor fairy lights outside in their garden all the rain snow and gales 😬
Every year I think that they'll just blow both houses to pieces ..theyre the ones who moved the bbq indoors when it was raining ...
The 2 house fires on my street alone caused by candles left unattended ..but as its in the gov advice now buy candles in ..well what can you do ..
Fire brigade and officials having meetings to see if its because there's not enough education on how to prevent house fires ..
Local tip is closed certain days now so one of the neighbours across from me decided to burn his garden waste..outside his front door
Succeeded in setting fire to the tree in neighbours garden

I do have the necessary fire prevention etc round the house and outside but somehow with what others do especially all the budding arsonists on my street..I'm not sure it'll make a difference I included fireproof boxes for my documents and bits I dont want turning to Ash then hid them outside of the house :)
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Re: House fire

Post by jansman »

You can’t make it up GeeGee. I hate candles,and that’s because my dopey neighbour set fire to a bathroom curtain…and the window.
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Yorkshire Andy
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Re: House fire

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Common sense doesn't exist anymore in anyway in a lot of people...

It's blooming frightening what you see when out and about ... Suppose the powers that be and their big stick approach towards furniture manufacturers must have saved 100's of lives since it came into force in the 1980's one good thing the British governments actually put into law unlike strangely Europe.. ... 9mYSBmaXJl

Old polyurethane filled sofas were perfectly safe till a dopey smoker dropped fag ash on it or knocked the ash tray down the side .. likewise mattress flame / ember retardant fabrics for those who just had to lay in bed with a fag hanging from their mouth...

You've got to watch what your buying lots of cheap grey imports floating about

Supposed they've not extended the regulations to cover curtains as most are now synthetic

Know I've banged on about modern synthetic materials before Vs old school natural fabrics this video highlights why ... lyZQ%3D%3D
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: House fire

Post by Arzosah »

Yorkshire Andy wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:30 am Common sense doesn't exist anymore in anyway in a lot of people...
That seems to be at the core of it - GeeGee, the local stories you have to tell are horrific :(
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Re: House fire

Post by GeeGee »

Arzosah wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:38 pm
Yorkshire Andy wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:30 am Common sense doesn't exist anymore in anyway in a lot of people...
That seems to be at the core of it - GeeGee, the local stories you have to tell are horrific :(
Arzosah if you could only see ..
Feel like a alien on the street as Yorkshire Andy said common sense just doesn't apply any more..and theyll all think I'm the weird one ...
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: House fire

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

GeeGee wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:51 pm
Arzosah wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:38 pm
Yorkshire Andy wrote: Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:30 am Common sense doesn't exist anymore in anyway in a lot of people...
That seems to be at the core of it - GeeGee, the local stories you have to tell are horrific :(
Arzosah if you could only see ..
Feel like a alien on the street as Yorkshire Andy said common sense just doesn't apply any more..and theyll all think I'm the weird one ...

Makes me laugh those who are happy to throw £1000 on the latest smart phone or TV. But not willing to spend £60 or so for a smoke detector in every room and £40 or so on a couple of fire extinguishers .. I look at it as protecting my assets an myself / family :lol: ..

As for the outdoor lights I've seen some shocking (possible literally) lash ups not just Christmas lights but DIY attempts.. I'm no electrician but I know what I'm looking at .. a waterproof approved box for the outdoor Christmas lights cost me £12 ...
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine
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Re: House fire

Post by Peter »

You can’t cure stupid.
Yorkshire Andy
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Re: House fire

Post by Yorkshire Andy »

Well Mr eBay turned up today with a little investment :mrgreen:
£5 got this little fella
That will let me repressurise any 2 - 3 - 6 & 9 litre water or foam extinguishers using a high pressure pump ive a cycling track pump (think stirrup pump). Which gets to 11bar then to finish off a mountain bike shock pump to get the final bar in (1 bar is about 15 psi from memory)

Wombled some Afff foam concentrate a few years back from a fire extinguisher service agent at work so SHTF especially real end of days sort of thing. With water and a pump I car recharge my own extinguishers at home as long as they remain serviceable bar the foam concentrate which is about £7 for a 9l refill it will cost me nothing and if I run out of concentrate I can still use water as long as i remember it's not foam anymore....
If your roughing it, Your doing it wrong ;)

Lack of planning on your part doesn't make it an emergency on mine