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You have your car ready for winter mechanically but there's more you can do you can kit out your car to help you out in a bit of a moment after last weekends snowfall in some area people were stranded and I saw one report of one death .. ... e-district ... death-car/
This isn't a definite list but sone things to consider...
Firstly most people become stranded due to lack of grip.. even winter tyres have their limits coupled with the height of the car.. but if it's loose powder snow you can often be push through if youve got grip ..
The real contenders are snow socks or snow chains ... Socks are easier to fit where as chains give more grip but can be a faff.... I've gone for a hybrid of the 2 with michalin textile chains which are the best of both worlds... With metal cleats for extra grip..
There are also plastic grip mats I successfully helped rescue a royal mail van tonight with mine on a muddy verge ..
Coupled with a shovel you've got a fighting chance of self rescuing....
Add a decent tow rope / strap if your able to find a nice person with a 4*4 or tractor....
So you've done all that and 1ft of snow falls and you end up stranded now the fun begins....

Hope you've kept your car as full of fuel as possible

In heavy snow keep the exhaust clear of snow (a shovel will help here) and crack a window if your running the engine for 15 minutes per hour to keep warm.... ..
Listen to the local radio (battery radio will safe you risking flattening the car battery.)
So the s has really hit the fan and BBC local radio is saying the local motorway is totally pole axed and the emergency services are swamped and expect to be there for the night it's minus 10 plus wind-chill in other words is Baltic...
Now your average tartan rug isn't going to keep you warm it's ok on a cool summer's evening but we are talking life threatening cold.. here risk of frost bite is a real possibility
Hat scarf gloves and a decent winter rated sleeping bag / s are a must have if you have them great .. get your boots off and get in it..... The survival foil blankets on their own won't do much but they can be used for sticking to / trapping in the windows to attempt to trap as much heat in the cabin as you can ....
If youve got a bright bit of clothing tie it to the radio antenna if your car has one. It'll make you easy to see by rescue workers ..
A candle in a little holder will also help raise the temperature slightly....
A mars bar and a bottle of water will do but a few mre meal pouches you can warm them by running the engine and putting them on top of the engine for 30 minutes or a small stove means hot water and hot food.. break out the tea bags

Try and keep the inside dry it's hard with snow covered boots but try ....
In extreme situations take a knife to the seats and use the foam padding under your coat to further insulate yourself from the cold...