Hi folks!

I do hope you are well. As many here know,I’m not well,and I’m not gonna get well. So right now,whilst I can I’m keeping issues up to date and sorting out to help my dear wife in future. It all helps me mentally too,including writing here!

We have basic garden maintenance and improvements occurring. Mrs J has taken over the garden ( large) but herbicide is the prize here. Sorry eco - warriors

The way it’s been sorted across Winter,she can deal with it happily now. Whilst she has perennial vegetables,and will grow a few tomatoes,the rest are flowers. Lovely!

The maintenance and cost will be minimal now.
I have put together a list of tradesmen- local mates to be fair ( and spoken with them) - to help when repairs are needed in my absence. In fairness,the house has been maintained well over 35 years and there is a very good fund towards just that issue now. That takes a load of worry away for my dear wife.
Income for my wife has been arranged in order to help her. She still works,and wants to! However,pensions will help her well,and worry will not be an issue.
Changes to life have been listed ,and this will help to avoid stress. Even bills etc. sent to me have been changed to Mrs J. Less aggravation in the long run!
Regarding ‘preparation’ ,Our pantry and freezer storage is being twisted towards the requirements of my dear wife now. I have trained her

in use of back up heating,cooking ,lighting etc. She is a tough and practical woman,and has noted and even videoed use of such equipment. Whilst we have been solid fuel heating for about thirty years,it’s gone now. Less hassle for her - and me too. The delivery of coal, and logs ( no free ones with no strength etc) is a huge problem. So it’s replaced stoves are electric. Efficient and frankly cheaper! Less maintenance too!
We were rewired ten years ago,and I got that all checked too last week. No problems
So that’s it for now. Take care everyone

In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.
Robert Frost.
Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.