Our 8'x6' shed is in a bit of a state of decay. It was one of hubbies custom projects, back when we had money and it has lasted very well. Nice overlapped wood.
However, the tongue and groove floor has rotted around the edges and the bottom 3 inches or so of 3 of the walls has gone too, so it's slumped down and the door drags. I want it repaired, not replaced. Hubby reckons he can somehow lift the walls up and slide a new base under (I'm not convinced). I thought he'd dismantle it, but it would be out of service for too long. I don't want to have it out of service for months. Floor is beyond repair. From 6" up the shed's still in good condition.
I'm inclined to get him to try to fix it by making a new base, slide it under and repair the side panels separately. Then paint it to get maybe another 5 years out. Oh. It's sat on concrete slabs, but had rubbish ventilation, hence the rot.
Now..... The big question..... Would the wombles amongst you dein to use wood from newish pallets for the base, or should I use big roofing(?) boards or should I invest in tongue and groove again. I have a plentiful source of pallets and as I see it has...
Pallet Pro's: Free - Doing our bit to recycle - Pallet busting is therapeutic - Easier to replace odd small pieces than sheet boards if/when they rot again.
Cons: Low quality soft wood - in short lengths - Not tongue and groove. Hubby has a router and could possible tongue and groove it himself.
I know pallet wood is cheap and soft rubbish, (pine?) but if treated, could I get decent service out of it? Or am I being daft to not just go to B&Q and spend maybe £100 on boards and bearers? Is there a middle ground, using boards, just replacing the 3x2 bearers by unmodified and loosely attached pallets? I like the idea of the ventilation of a pallet base. Should we further raise them a cm or so on something waterproof, like a dozen tiles, or some pieces of rubber?
Am I overthinking this. LOL. All ideas gratefully received. If you think I'm a stupid cheapskate, break it to me gently.
Bonus request. If you built a pallet shed, can I see pictures?