So it's time to start thinking of winter whilst you can get some jobs done in relative comfort

Past few weeks I've been slowly chipping at little jobs that need doing..
The Shed has had a coat of paint proper solvent stuff it now shrugs water off well...
Half way through a good garden tidy full garden waste bin stopping play on that task... For now
Gutters cleared out...
The little square of decking is about passed it but that might wait until next spring
Garden lights need a bit of tlc some need the batteries charging. Solar ones need panels cleaning..
Bit of fencing to replace and ideally the other side needs a lick of paint ....
Both cars have had a look over wife's tyres are getting low ISH but still plenty legal (about 4mm ) and her new job is walking distance from home so no longer a high end priority unlike the 25 mile each way motorway drive..
Smoke alarm batteries to replace (always do it towards the end of the summer holidays)
Door and window lock and hinges usually get a bit of oil / grease as appropriate and locks graphite powdered..
Cupboards need a sort out and food stocks taking we scratched the surface so to say the past month with the wife being laid off we didn't go hungry ..... Or short of anything bar tomato ketchup and the 12yo attitude when there wasn't any left despite basting every meal with the stuff and the subtle and not so subtle hints of not using so much went ignored.. so she can wait till payday for more

Both cars are full but that's fairly standard with Iran rattling it's not a bad thing
Need to fill the jerry can for the allotment at some point..
LPG bottles are all full (refillable refilled after camping)
Another order of AA and AAA batteries probably wouldn't go amiss before the real dark nights start
Oh and brake down cover is due next week they ain't getting it too early

Taken stocks of winter kit need some new thermals this year .. but car kits will be ok and got stockpile of deicer / screen wash and deicing salt for the paths cheap this spring when it was being sold off .......