Ah! End of! You have to move, you really do. I'm glad you've got a good chance of having similar aims in the new property, if she's now on board with prepping (more or less, anywayaldhelm wrote: ↑Mon Jan 06, 2025 6:32 pm Ah no staying put isn't a viable option, although where we are now was fine when we bought it more than 20 years ago but as the years roll by niether health nor lifestyle is what it was. The gardens too small to allow a decent size extension, then add into that that we absoluely hate it where we are now (Sheffield), just wish we had known then what we do now. The good side of all the problems we have is that the wife is now much more onboard with a prepping lifestyle lol.

I remember going to Sheffield a million years ago to look at a Manpower Services Commission scheme based at a stables, and it was staggering how soon we were out in the countryside, very wild - it was gorgeous, though I expect the suburbs have grown a lot since then, it was a *long* time ago.