Site rules

UK Preppers introduction and forum rules
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Site rules

Post by scoobie »

We've had a number of new members recently so I wanted to clarify a few points for all posts and PM's.

1. Keep it legal
2. Keep it prepping orientated
3. Keep it relevant and factual
4. Keep it friendly and polite
5. You must be aged 18 or over to use this site.
6. Please make an intro post for your first post. Just a short paragraph and tell us a bit about you, why you're here etc. No personal details necessary!
7. PLEASE make an effort with spelling and punctuation. This means text speak, and gibberish will not be tolerated.
8. Your first 10 posts will be moderated, posts in the introduction threads do not count toward your post count. We are also wanting more than just single word replies to posts. This is to ensure this is the right forum for you, as well as ensuring you are right for the forum.

Posts which are way outside this will be removed without warning.

Repeat offenders will be banned.

Don't like the rules? You're free to leave!

Need anything clarifying before you post? PM a mod. (myself, diamond lil, preppingsu and itsybitsy)

This may sound harsh but my easy going attitude has been stretched somewhat recently!

Thanks for your understanding :)
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Re: Site rules

Post by scoobie »

Just want to re-iterate this post. We need to sharpen up some of the inane rubbish we have had on this site recently.

The main forum rules are:

1. Keep it legal
2. Keep it prepping orientated
3. Keep it relevant and factual
4. Keep it friendly and polite (this means no belittling, superiority and general tripe which has come back to haunt us)
5. You must be aged 18 or over to use this site.
6. Please make an intro post for your first post. Just a short paragraph and tell us a bit about you, why you're here etc. No personal details necessary!
7. PLEASE make an effort with spelling and punctuation. This means text speak, and gibberish will not be tolerated.
8. Your first 10 posts will be moderated, posts in the introduction threads do not count toward your post count. We are also wanting more than just single word replies to posts. This is to ensure this is the right forum for you, as well as ensuring you are right for the forum.

The 2nd one, seems to have been missing of late. Even in the general chat section, please please try and keep it prepping related. This is not facebook, or twitter, this is not the place for a rant or a general chat unless it's PREPPING related.

This is not a forum for discussion of politics or religion so please keep these out of threads.

Anything which falls foul of the golden rules will be removed without notice. Any moderator decision is final, any whinging or whining about why your thread or post has been removed will not be tolerated. Repeat offenders to the golden rules *WILL* be banned!
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail - Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Site rules

Post by scoobie »

Added an additional rule regarding age limits.
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail - Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Site rules

Post by scoobie »

Added rules 6,7, and 8
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail - Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Site rules

Post by scoobie »

Just to note, unused user accounts will be automatically purged if they remain inactive. These settings are as follows:

Posts will be kept of any removed user account

Any user account which is deactivated by me will automatically be removed after 4 weeks

If a user has created an account, activated their account but not logged on for 8 weeks since sign-up they will be removed

If a user hasn't logged on for 6 months, they will be removed

If a user has logged on, but not posted in 9 months they will be removed.

Please note, all the above actions are automatic and happen daily.
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Re: Site rules

Post by itsybitsy »

This is being edited to add the following, although we have had this rule in place for some time now.

We do not allow members to advertise or promote commercial ventures through their sigs or in the main body of posts. If you wish, it is possible to add a link to your website on your profile page.

If any member would like to promote their commercial interests on the site, we ask that you contact one of the moderators so that we can consider this request.
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Re: Site rules

Post by scoobie »

Posting to bring this to everyone's attention, again.

Rule 1 being the most obvious:

1. Keep it legal

Please please please use the report post function. Or DM me directly (it's my domain, forum, hosting etc).
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail - Benjamin Franklin