Why Popcorn is a good "prep"

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Why Popcorn is a good "prep"

Post by nickdutch »

1) Cheap
2) Filling
3) Quick to cook
4) There's numerous recipes out there and can be made interesting
5) can be cooked over a naked flame
6) unpoped kernels don't take up much space in storage
7) long shelf life
8) makes a breakfast cereal, just pop, then add milk and sugar to taste
reperio a solutio
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Re: Why Popcorn is a good "prep"

Post by Rosesandtea »

Yep, all that and if you have a mill you can grind it too into as coarse or fine a flour as your mill allows!
Excellent prep.

You can get wire baskets to put the kernals in to pop them over an open fire, too.

Re: Why Popcorn is a good "prep"

Post by maxilaura »

I love popcorn - but have never thought of having it with milk and sugar as a breakfast cereal, will have to try that.

Re: Why Popcorn is a good "prep"

Post by TeeDee »

I've had much enjoyment with Curry flavoured popcorn as well if you prefer a more savoury snack.

Re: Why Popcorn is a good "prep"

Post by Technik »
