Ok, so what happened?

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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by diamond lil »

Thanks Wolfie ! :mrgreen:
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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by itsybitsy »

mike.f wrote:Fantastic effort scoobie, the new forum is looking great. That’s a damn fine 16 hours work! Think you’ve earned yourself a beer! Bit early yet though!
I'm sorry - I don't think I read your comment correctly. Did you actually say it was TOO EARLY for beer? Is it ever too early for beer? I think my record is 5.15am in an airport lounge a few years ago - G&T (well, several) for breakfast - magic! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dean Grimes
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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by Dean Grimes »

hi guys im new to your website can u fill me in with details of ur page when u say your prepers do you mean end of world armagedon an apocolypse if thats what this page means then im in the right place please get back to me!
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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by DundeePrepper »

Dean Grimes wrote:hi guys im new to your website can u fill me in with details of ur page when u say your prepers do you mean end of world armagedon an apocolypse if thats what this page means then im in the right place please get back to me!
Hi Dean.. have a read through the "New Members Start Here" forum let us get to know you, and what you are prepping for if anything. This forum is a fantastic resource..

Everyone has different ideas of what to prep for whether it be Armageddon or a Power Cut... we all chip in and advise where we can...

Welcome and enjoy :D
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Briggs 2.0
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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by Briggs 2.0 »

Dean Grimes wrote:hi guys im new to your website can u fill me in with details of ur page when u say your prepers do you mean end of world armagedon an apocolypse if thats what this page means then im in the right place please get back to me!
Welcome! Have a good look around the forum there's a wealth of information. If you want to know how to filter water, make electricity from nothing, grow something to eat and in general take better care of yourself and your family, then yes, you're in the right place. If you're after zombies then dare I say check out the Playstation Network :-)
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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by preppingsu »

Briggs 2.0 wrote:
Dean Grimes wrote:hi guys im new to your website can u fill me in with details of ur page when u say your prepers do you mean end of world armagedon an apocolypse if thats what this page means then im in the right place please get back to me!
Welcome! Have a good look around the forum there's a wealth of information. If you want to know how to filter water, make electricity from nothing, grow something to eat and in general take better care of yourself and your family, then yes, you're in the right place. If you're after zombies then dare I say check out the Playstation Network :-)
Unfortunately Dean has not visited the site since 29th January... :|
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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by Plymtom »

preppingsu wrote:
Briggs 2.0 wrote:
Dean Grimes wrote:hi guys im new to your website can u fill me in with details of ur page when u say your prepers do you mean end of world armagedon an apocolypse if thats what this page means then im in the right place please get back to me!
Welcome! Have a good look around the forum there's a wealth of information. If you want to know how to filter water, make electricity from nothing, grow something to eat and in general take better care of yourself and your family, then yes, you're in the right place. If you're after zombies then dare I say check out the Playstation Network :-)
Unfortunately Dean has not visited the site since 29th January... :|

Although I read all the intros I don't generally interact on them I wouldn't want to appear a master simply by saying hello to everyone, being around alot my post count could be huge :lol: plus I found long ago that the type of initial interaction illustrated here by Dean is that of one who wants everything on a plate, neither prepared to look or interact outside of their own needs, not exactly prepper material, in fact the sort of person who sits on the white throne and does the business, before checking if there was any paper ;)
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.
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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by tigs »

erm! have i missed something?
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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by FEISTY »

Plymtom wrote:
Although I read all the intros I don't generally interact on them I wouldn't want to appear a master simply by saying hello to everyone, being around alot my post count could be huge :lol: plus I found long ago that the type of initial interaction illustrated here by Dean is that of one who wants everything on a plate, neither prepared to look or interact outside of their own needs, not exactly prepper material, in fact the sort of person who sits on the white throne and does the business, before checking if there was any paper ;)
He came, he saw, he didn't like what he saw and left - and who can blame him if the above is indicative of what happens when you're not around to defend yourself. Cheap shot, Plymton :(. This site will grind to a halt if people are scared to ask a question for fear it's been asked before or they don't post often enough. Not many people have the time to sit and trawl through all the new postings, what with FB, e-mail, kids, house, garden, cars, jobs, etc. There is a huge amount of information on this site and it's not always easy to find what you're interested in at a specific point in time. If you type in a word on search, it often tells you there are too many references to list and returns a blank. Just sayin'.
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Re: Ok, so what happened?

Post by Plymtom »

FEISTY wrote:
Plymtom wrote:
Cheap shot, Plymton :(.
Tom with an M if you don't mind FEISTER did you click his name per chance? if you did, as I did whatever he came and saw and didn't like he did 3 months before I said anything, I was talking to Briggs and Sue, but I stand by what I said, I've been doing forums for many a year, I know I may have irritated you over foxes, but I'm not looking for trouble, why are you?
I have a strategy, it's not written in stone, nor can it be, this scenario has too many variables, everything about it depends on those variables, being specific is not possible.