Ration books

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture

Ration books

Post by smileyt »

Just read on another forum that ration books have been printed (here in the UK). No identification for which country they are for but apparently they are in English. Alongside this article: http://truththeory.com/2012/08/18/start ... thing-big/ it makes me wonder if things are going to go custard sooner than we think.

Is this too tinfoil hat :tinfoil ? Apologies if it is. Does anyone know if it is 'normal' for a government to have stocks of ration books?

However, I'm sorting out my storage space and will probably be doing another big shop very soon.
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Re: Ration books

Post by tigs »

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Re: Ration books

Post by Arzosah »

The dates of those references are really interesting. Look what I found in a recent Telegraph article *about* that time:

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/news ... ipice.html

I think a crisis was averted, but it actually was that bad - and a financial collapse could rear its head again at any time, so those ration cards could actually be brought out. The Telegraph article makes some good points about watching the language of official pronouncements - thats always sound financial advice if you're an investor yourself, to watch for the language of a company's annual report - but applied to prepping, its downright scary. Something big could definitely happen in short order, no question about it.

Re: Ration books

Post by preppingsu »

So one forum says they are being printed in Ireland, another says in Sweden and by clicking on another link this discussion goes back to 2009.
I tried Looking on Snopes but couldn't find anything so I dunno........

Ration books or food books for those on benefits? Lower income families have in the past received fruit and veg vouchers so could be something similar.

Do the government have the foresight to prepare for a large scale war/societal collapse, thus printing ration books ready for food shortages (as most of our food is imported)?

:tinfoil :?

Re: Ration books

Post by smileyt »

Thanks tigs. Just to warn some of our more anxious members - there are a lot of conspiracy theories on some of those sites. But it does seem that ration books are being printed. How would they ration in this day and age with all the food allergies around? One size definitely wouldn't fit all.
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Re: Ration books

Post by tigs »

i was thinking if Israel attacks Iran and the middle east goes up in flame petrol and diesel will be hit hard plus there was talk of a fuel shortage if the tankers went on strike , it could be fuel ration books !
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Re: Ration books

Post by Ian »

I am involved on the fringes of emergency planning and was part of the planning group which wrote the Thames Valley Local Resilience Forum Fuel Plan discussed on this thread:


I have never ever heard of any plans to issue ration books and the subject has certainly been discussed.

The whole philosophy of modern resilience does not include the concept of public rationing so I strongly doubt if such a thing would be considered, certainly as far into the future that I can see.

Controlling resources is now planned long in advance of a crisis and market forces are partly used as a control, government limiting supply instead of controlling demand.
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Re: Ration books

Post by Arzosah »

I can well believe its a conspiracy theory, though if even The Telegraph was saying that TS was about THTF, obviously they were troubled times. What I'm wondering is how these things start up. Misinterpretation, Chinese whispers, or deliberate?
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Re: Ration books

Post by desertman »

I have yet to hear about the possibility of printing ration books, but would not surprise me if that process has already been completed - Ian, having been in a similar position as you some time ago, and have had some experience how the military and gov work, everything as you are no doubt aware is 'compartmented' - the idea being that no one section really knows what the other section is doing..LOL typical political speak etc..this basically cuts down to a 'need to know' basis

However, I do know that here in Wales for example, due to the poor weather conditions, many spud harvests have been affected by blight, and the grain has resulted in browny harvests rather than golden yellow - the result being farmers will have to buy in grain for animal feed, and because they have to buy in from USA who have suffered major droughts, the feed is expensive and soon prices will be doubled - result... higher prices and shortages - many farmers may go bankrupt and supplies of meat products will be in lean supply.
Here is today's news from BBC wales on this very subject..
The situation will worsen at a rapid rate...
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Ration books

Post by The-Great-Nothing »


If this ration book printing is true - I would be very surprised.....surprised the government might be prepared and organised enough to plan for such a need!

