How do you make a 'blow pipe'

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How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by Accidentman »


I have read the bush craft stuff about making a catapult and that is all good, will be making one soon and starting practice.

However, regarding practice, I think a blow pipe would be easier to use in many respects (less movement from me for a start, hence less chance to scare off your quarry).

Is there any advise on how to build/use a blow pipe ?

Also, can I kill rabbits on grass verges with one ?

Grass verges are common land ? Council land ?

Thanks ..
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Re: How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by nickdutch »

You cant legally kill anything on any land that is not your own unless you have permission, and even then, legally speaking, it has to be a creature that is in season.

I am not sure if the blow pipe is better, and I would guess that you need a hell of a lot of puff to make the dart go fast enough and hard enough. And you had better not suck accidentally!

I doubt whether there is all that much difference in the quantity of movement with a slingshot as opposed to a blow pipe.

Catapults (commercial ones) can be cheap as b@ggery and can be very powerful. The more expensive ones are a bit of a luxury and probably aren't any better then the cheap ones. So long as the frame is strong enough and you don't get hand slap from the bands due to using the right weight ammo for the band strength you should be ok.
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Re: How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by icrcc »

I don't know if it the same in your neck of the woods but in Canada, where the gun laws are nowhere near as restrictive as the UK, blowguns (i.e. blow pipes) are a prohibited weapon.
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Re: How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by tigs »

yep blow guns are yet an other illegal weapon in the uk !! :roll: we just cant have any fun here !!!
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Re: How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by pseudonym »

Plus if you are just using human puff, you wont take down anything big.

Most blow pipes rely on a poison dart, and we don't have any tree frogs to dip the darts in. :lol:
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Re: How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by tigs »

try dipping in to my mums gravy that will drop anything!!!! :shock:
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Re: How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by jansman »

A blowgun needs a Firearms Certificate. Not saying you should not use one- just don't get caught with it!
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Re: How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by Bigant »

as has been said they are illegal in the uk. if you happened to be somewhere you could use one though they are rather impressive
is the cold steel one.

im sure there may be the odd how to on youtube as well not that i would suggest you look or follow such a guide if you were to find one as they are naughty in the uk.
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Re: How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by tom2tom »

If you do decide to make one i would not use wood i would use UPVC or some other type of plastic will last much longer and lighter than wood =)

Also good blow guns would be hard to carry and move than a catapult. Like rifles where the longer the barrel the more accurate you get the blow gun shaft has to be quite large to get a decent shot off it. I also agree with the post higher up you would have to use poison to take anything down, a dart from a blow gun is like getting a splinter in you hurts but that all it would do without poison. =)

I would deffo stick with a catapult or maybe get a 22. air rifle =)?
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Re: How do you make a 'blow pipe'

Post by diamond lil »

You canny very well use poison and then eat whatever it was you shot- can you! :shock: