Price Drop Heads Up - Corned Beef

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture
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Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:34 am
Location: South Wales

Price Drop Heads Up - Corned Beef

Post by SuperDude »

One of the staples of my stores is corned beef...

"nothing wrong with corned beef, lasts for ever and even comes with its own can opener"

Anyway I keep a keen eye on the price at my local supermarkets, recently the ASDA smart price cans have been £1.80 they are back down now to £1.54 (same price as most of the past year). I suggest getting a few cans in (the price seems to be all over the place the last few months). ... _340g.html

I've noticed that the shelves empty very quickly with this product (and also the budject price oats). I guess there are more of us out there than we think.

I used to work at a supermarket, (in stock control) - and its scary how small the store's warehouse/cache is - if its not on the shelves then we don't have it - the computer will send us some more on the next truck (just in time ordering) - don't worry about it, the computer knows what its doing...

Re: Price Drop Heads Up - Corned Beef

Post by harlowmaverick »

read the review and try it before buying anymore.
no use storing it if its unedible