Sugar beet 'mystery' condition halts 50% of some crops

Food, Nutrition and Agriculture

Sugar beet 'mystery' condition halts 50% of some crops

Post by TorNicho »
In some areas more than 50% of the beet, grown to be made in to refined sugar, has failed.
The British Beet Research Organisation said many varieties had been affected and growth was "erratic".
One farmer said he stood to lose about 1,800 tonnes, the equivalent of 250,000 bags of sugar, and a £50,000 loss.
"We're seeing some very strange and mysterious symptoms including roots corkscrewing, and deformed plants,"
"Where you would expect to see about 100,000 plants per hectare, we're seeing some areas with 40,000 to 60,000 - and sometimes considerably fewer."
"In extreme cases only about 35% of crops are coming through."
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Re: Sugar beet 'mystery' condition halts 50% of some crops

Post by Plymtom »

That can have a disasterous effect on the prices of everything, on the up side public health may actually improve as a result of manufacturers not putting so much of it in everything.

Pity it isn't going to happen with salt :)
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Re: Sugar beet 'mystery' condition halts 50% of some crops

Post by junmist »

Because I have horses and asked why the beet feed was going up in price, I was told that there was a problem with growing sugar beet, so its funny how this has just come into the public light as I was told this over two years ago.
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Re: Sugar beet 'mystery' condition halts 50% of some crops

Post by poppypiesdad »

meh the old story of beet pulp going up in price , shortages , 15 odd years ive heard this poo , yes it runs a bit low and the stockest put there prices up , but never ever have they run out , there always seens to be another pallet next time you go in .

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