air purifier
air purifier
So I was doing a little research on Juniper and came across this snippet of info that might be handy if we have a flu epidemic. In the 1918 Spanish Flu experiments were held to see if essential oil sprayed in the air would help to purify the air. Juniper Lavender and thyme was seen to work the best,also in French hospitals at the same time juniper twigs and rosemary leaves were burned together to do the same thing. Juniper Lavender and thyme all have antiseptic quality's.
AREA's 5-6 and 4
Feet the original All Terrain Vehicle
Feet the original All Terrain Vehicle
Re: air purifier
That is interesting, thanks. Juniper's much less common than the other two as a garden plant round here, but I do want some ...
Re: air purifier
Isn't it also a question of how effective it is in practice? namely how many pathogens and of which type are killed by what combination or mass of herbs, what dry weight and picked under what conditions to maximize the active ingredients, what storage methodology to do the herbs the best good? And what if you have air borne pathogens, but haven't addressed the actual cause of the air borne infection such as spores, mould, fungus infestations and the like?
I mean it may help, but how much? I don't want to set up my aromatherapy oil burner (thank you 99p stores!)only to find that it doesn't keep the plague at bay..
I mean it may help, but how much? I don't want to set up my aromatherapy oil burner (thank you 99p stores!)only to find that it doesn't keep the plague at bay..
reperio a solutio
Resident and Co-Ordinator of AREA 2
Area 2 = Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks
Resident and Co-Ordinator of AREA 2
Area 2 = Hampshire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Bucks
Re: air purifier
We purchased 2 air purifiers they claim it totally destroys up to 99.99% of micro-Mould - Tobacco Smoke - Virus - Bacteria - Pollen - Dust Mite Skeletons - Faeces - Organic Odours - Ozone - Pet Dander
it can purifiy the air in rooms up to 150m³.
But unfortunately are not cheap and if there is no power then they wouldn't work. But the oil spray is very intresting I'm going to have a look at that thanks junmist
it can purifiy the air in rooms up to 150m³.
But unfortunately are not cheap and if there is no power then they wouldn't work. But the oil spray is very intresting I'm going to have a look at that thanks junmist