Hey I'm Martin and I stumbled across this forum when searching different prepping techniques on the internet.
I've always been a kind of prepper, even since I was young, establishing evacuation plans (apparently as a child that was my obsession), making mini-survival kits and putting them in the family cars etc. although until recently I've always been what you might call a casual prepper.
It was only a couple of months ago when I met a fellow prepper and they explained to me the full extent of their supplies (3 months food, enough weapons to supply an army and an underground safe room), that I realised if I wanted to be a prepper I should do it properly.
So I'm here mainly to get in contact with other preppers and over time try and become much more self-sufficient in terms of food and water, and learn more and gain enough supplies to actually help me survive the apocalypse or breakdown of society, if or whenever it comes.
Hey there!
Re: Hey there!
Hello and welcome

There is so much more to being a prepper or being prepared then having a truck load of weapons, which of course in the UK is pretty much illegal!Martello736 wrote:
It was only a couple of months ago when I met a fellow prepper and they explained to me the full extent of their supplies (3 months food, enough weapons to supply an army and an underground safe room), that I realised if I wanted to be a prepper I should do it properly.
Well, hang around, become an active member of the forum. There's lots of info here to read and lots of knowledgable people.Martello736 wrote:
So I'm here mainly to get in contact with other preppers
Re: Hey there!
Hello and welcome to the Forum. 

Two is one and one is none, but three is even better.
Re: Hey there!
welcome to the forum martin
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Re: Hey there!
Hello and welcome
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
Mark Twain
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Mark Twain
Area 4
Re: Hey there!
Hi and welcome, as said above prepping is about much more than having a collection of weapons and an underground bunker (which is cool though). Its an ideology that is different from one prepper to the next, you need to look at your given areas to prepare for. Look at your circumstance i.e. on your own, family? money available, skills, home location. Work on the preps you regard as important to cater for those needs.
There are many helpful tips and tricks on here to help you along your way.
There are many helpful tips and tricks on here to help you along your way.