Help - IP address blocked?

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Help - IP address blocked?

Post by featherstick »


Trying to change my password tonight (again - too many bangs on the head as a youth), thought I had done, got this message:

Your IP has been blocked because it is blacklisted. For details please see
Your IP has been blocked because it is blacklisted. For details please see
An entry on the blacklist may have several reasons:
1. You are a well-known spammer.
2. Last time a well-known spammer was using the dynamic IP address which you got from your ISP (Internet Service Provider), your e-mail address or the username you have choosen.
3. Your ISP is well-known for a lot of spamming customers and is not fighting against spammers enough.

Am I banned? What does this mean? Can anyone help? Please don't ban me, I haven't prepped enough yet!

Re: Help - IP address blocked?

Post by preppingsu »

If you were banned then you wouldn't have been able to post this.

According to my son your IP address that your ISP had given you has in the past been associated with a form of spam (not the tinned stuff). He suggests a router reset might help, so you get assigned a new IP address.

Other than that scoobie will need to remove the IP address from the blacklist.


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Re: Help - IP address blocked?

Post by featherstick »

Thank you Su. It's happened again today. I've had to reset my passwork every time I try to log in, something isn't right. I'll try and do a refresh. Cheers.
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Re: Help - IP address blocked?

Post by tanstaafl »

Weird just happened to me when I went to change something in my Profile.......

No biggy ,its fine other than that, I connect thru my phone via tethering with Three...............
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Re: Help - IP address blocked?

Post by Cernunnos »

I also get the same message, thought it was because I was still a newb on here but it seems not. I get it when trying to change anything in my prefs,location etc.
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Re: Help - IP address blocked?

Post by CynicalSurvival »

Thanks... the same thing just happened to me, so that is reassuring!

The trouble is that I had to reset my password, so my current one is a string of random characters that i have no chance of remembering!! :shock: :shock:
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Re: Help - IP address blocked?

Post by itsybitsy »

I have checked this with Scoobie. All domestic ISP's have a pool of IP addresses that get temporarily assigned to individuals, so it's highly possible that your IP address has been used by a spammer.

The spam protocols on the forum are pretty tight, which is why this happens occasionally. The alternative would be to relax the controls (which isn't a practical option) which would see us once again overrun by individuals selling Viagra, knock-off sunglasses and much worse.
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Re: Help - IP address blocked?

Post by Devonian »

Yep I'm affected by this as well.

It looks like IP Addresses belonging to BT Internet have been blocked by the site.

It stops you editing your profile or changing your password, I currently have some completely unrememberable password as I am unable to change it.
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Re: Help - IP address blocked?

Post by preparedsurrey »

Can you get around it by going through a proxy? Or using TOR for browsing?
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Re: Help - IP address blocked?

Post by ggc »

A friend of mine was trying to sign up and got the exact same problem. I tried to register on his behalf and also got the warning (even though I can still sign in).

It looks like the spam blacklists are out of date because are marking all requests as spam. An administrator needs to remove the blacklists... more information here: ... pic/135316

This could be the reason why no new members have signed up in a while.