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Post by cumbriasurvivalist »

Do any preppers have any plans for communication for if the shtf.At the moment i do not but in the late 70s early 80s i like many others was into CB radio.Is this something that preppers have/need?Only thing was mine did have about a 50-100 mile range depending.I have heard am can go alot further but cant 100% confirm this as i dont really know alot about CBs as i was only a kid at the time.These do not really need alot of power and run well of a car battery/small generator.
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Re: communication

Post by hobo »

I've plans with a couple of local (non UKP) preppers for CB and (modified) 2 way radio comms. It's been discussed here. Do a search and see what you can bring to the discussion!


Re: communication

Post by PeteM »

Only one way and that's incoming. I always carry a small battery powered AM/FM/SW radio. Whatever's happening, I'll want to know.

Re: communication

Post by Bladerunner »

I had a CB back when they were "Illegal" but I never got anything like the distance you got even from my home one with an aerial stretched across the attic.

I remember it nearly garotted my dad when he was up there one day. I never told him it was up there. :lol: Happy days.

You would need a generator or some alternative power (solar/wind) and it would have to be excess energy as I would have bigger priorities for energy after TSHTF.

It could also give away your location. We used to do treasure hunts every weekend where somone went and hid in their car and sent a 10 second burst every 5 or 10 mins and you had to try and locate them from the strength of their signal.

If you have friends and contacts already, you could arrange beforehand that if anything serious happened you could transmit a signal on a certain frequency every day at a set time and see if anyone is on. Make sure it is a channel everyone has and is well away from channel 14 or 19.

I had a Ham International Multimode MkII. Hell of a lot of channels for a CB. Can't remember exactly how many but it was something like 360.

Be lucky (and 10-65 good buddy)
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diamond lil
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Re: communication

Post by diamond lil »

I was heavlly into CB as well, had a Superstar.

Re: communication

Post by Bladerunner »

You are the only Superstar round here Lil. ;)

Be lucky (and stalky)
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Re: communication

Post by diamond lil »

Just realised the bloody wireless keyboard had missed half of the typing as usual. And ta very much LOL!

Re: communication

Post by Huntsman »

What we really need to do is get as many uk preppers as possible with radio coms and find a deserted channel for us to communicate on for shtf?

Re: communication

Post by Mr_Sea-Breeze »

I did toy with the idea of getting hold of a 5W maritime handheld radio but that only works if everyone else has one.

What is needed is all those that know anything about radio comms should debate the best solution and then suggest that if anyone wants to buy comms then buy a SHF 20W thingamybob. (The experts have to be aware that the solution needs to be simple and affordable)

That way when it all goes horribly wrong and there is no forum to chat on we can all chat on the air to pass the days away....
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Re: communication

Post by John1788 »

Just bought off a seller in usa 4 midland 22 channel lxt114's,worked out at £8 each.Midland say that they will reach 16k in good conditions i.e. empty fields but managed to get 3k in my urban area.At least if anything happens we can keep in touch on the way to our R.V. point on a selected channel,worth the money.