Fluoride in toothpaste?

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broke prepper

Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by broke prepper »

The other day wile I was waiting for a friend to finish work, I went for a look around the big asda across the road to see if there was any good offers on,wile looking around I noticed that the colgate hade "Colgate Advanced White Flouride Toothpaste" as its label ,so decided to look for a make with no flouride and found that
colgate Advanced White has Sodium Fluoride (1450ppmF¯)
colgate total has 1450 ppm F
Sensodyne Extra has 1450 ppm Fluoride
Aquafresh Fresh & Minty 1450 ppm Fluoride
Oral-B Complete Extra Fresh ,Sodium Fluoride doesn't specify on web page
Macleans Total Health 1400 ppm Fluoride
Arm & Hammer Advanced Whitening 1100ppm F
ASDA Smartprice Toothpaste 1050 ppm F

So far the best iv found is the asda own make

But my question is do you guys know of any brand that is sodium fluoride free?
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Toddie »

I know my old man can't have flouride in his toothpaste and so he always gets the Morrisons own 'whitening' brand. Might be worth a butchers next time you're in Morrisons.
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by poppypiesdad »

Damp tooth brush dipped into baking soda ?

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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Balian »

I use 'Aloe Dent' but there are a lot of other options out there.

I won't used toothpaste with Flouride and filter all my water, Flouride isn't good for you.

Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Darktide »

Are you looking for non flouride toothpaste because of the effects fluoridation has on the brains thought process? I've read articles that the Germans and Russians used flouride in prisoners water to make them 'stupid and docile'.
Is the government interested in us all having shiny white teeth or does it want a nation of sheeple? I'm sure someone will come along with more info on the matter than me.
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Hamradioop »

The cons of fluoride

According to latest studies carried out by the ADA, Fluoride is fast being regarded as potentially dangerous element being sold under the guise of “good for teeth”. Slowly but surely, a fluoride-free propaganda is being put in to place to ensure there is no more exposure to it. As of now, Dementia in humans, due to exposure to fluoride, is said to double in the next two decades and triple in three.

from this link http://www.bewellbuzz.com/general/flour ... oothpaste/

Fluoride Free Toothpaste

Excess fluoride has been linked with dental and skeletal fluorosis, stomach problems and in high doses a host of chronic conditions, and there is some controversy over whether we really need fluoride to keep teeth healthy.

Green People’s fluoride-free toothpastes are made with natural antibiotic plant extracts to reduce plaque-causing bacteria, keeping teeth healthy naturally.
http://www.greenpeople.co.uk/fluoride-f ... tAodoQ4AmA
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Bladerunner »

Boots "Smile Fluoride Free Toothpaste"
Been using this for years after a bit of research into Fluoride and the fact that it is as poisonous as Arsenic and not too far behind lead.
Fluoride is a waste product of the aluminium industry and these used to pay millions to dispose of it. Then some smart guy thought it would be good to put in toothpaste.
It is recognised as a neuro toxin and if you read the labels they will tell you not to exceed the recommend dose. If you do they tell you to contact a doctor. It also says on some that it is not suitable for kids under 3.
Mind you, Ribena says on the label it is not suitable for kids under 3. I rang their hotline to ask them about that and they said they have pay millions on tests which they are not prepared to do.
There was a case back in the 80's when too much fluoride was put into the water supply and people died because of it. More recently there was a cock up in Hope Bay, Alaska which resulted in a guy dying due to too much fluoride being pout in the water.
All the fluoride tests that are published are paid for by the toothpaste companies. If you can find a truly independent one it will tell you that fluoride is not good for you and does bugger all to help against fillings.
This thread is going to get trolled so do your own due diligence and if you like using fluoride in your toothpaste that is your choice, just don't jump on the people who choose not to or the reasons why.
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by PreppingPingu »

Interesting as when I was a child in the 70's they began to put flouride in the water supply - think they still do- not sure they put so muc stuff in the water before it reaches our kitchen taps. Anyhow as our water supply didnt have any added to it at the time, my dentist perscribed flouride tablets which I remember taking every day at breakfast. Maybe thats why I'm rather scatter brained and find it hard to hold thoughts in my head for long!!! :lol:
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broke prepper

Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by broke prepper »

Ill have a good look at the morrisons homemade , the Aloe Dent ,Green People’s fluoride-free and the boots one thaks guys for the info
After all what is the point of not having it in our water supply, when we are putting it strait in to our mouth´s
I found this a wile back from a freedom of info site.........ok I cant find the exact one where it list which water companies are using it but I do remember that my water company was one of them and the list included most of the uk http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/search/%2 ... mit=Search
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Re: Fluoride in toothpaste?

Post by Moony »

Just went to the dentist this morning and she asked me to make sure that my choice of toothpaste had "at least 1450parts per million flouride in it. - Just remember 1450!" she told me. There must be good reason they put it in, I've not got to the stage where I think the government is using chemicals to turn me into a zombie just yet :tinfoil
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