Bushcrafter and tinkerer - Was caught in a flood a couple of years ago and housebound on the first floor with the Thames slowly making its way up the stairs with no means of escape for a few days, and realised I was totally unprepared for anything else serious happening. Have since been preparing to bug in and be reasonably automated if the worst happened, learning how to stay warm and fed if the power goes off (been there already, wasn't prepared, waist high flood water saps your strength extremely quickly and it's COLD!!!), growing / storing food, preparing medicines from herbs and mind strengthening to step out of the comfort zone / normalcy bias and keep my family safe. Being flooded was life changing and a good measure for SHTF, and the what if's that I've had since have become a mental exercise to prepare. I plan on community and / or home fortification if the world falls apart, and cycles to bug out if the unthinkable happens and we have to leave. I'm not sure many people will be able to do it on their own, so the intention is to network and trade skills.
One of the problems I had in the flood was that there was lots of things that we had that could have been utilised as my OH and I are avid outdoorseys, but they were either in a place that was inaccessible or we didn't have the knowledge to adapt it for an indoor environment. Fire is pretty easy to make in most environments, but not that safe in an upstairs bedroom.