Nuclear Bunker for £200k

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Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by Toddie »

Just seen this (granted it's an older link, couldnt find it previously posted) a bunker for 200 grand. Complete with it's own hospital, BBC recording studio, canteen and room for 150 people, located near Dundee. ... arket.html

Granted it may have been sold by now but still an interesting read.
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Re: Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by BadgerSE »

That is amazing! I actually would have bought that myself if I had the dosh and knew it existed. I am a big fan of nuclear bunkers. This looks in very good order, would love to look around it.

Talking of bunkers, I found this ages ago - - interesting website but I don't have +£10k and over spare money to order one!! (I am not affiliated with that company in any form).
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Re: Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by sniper 55 »

I would be seriously tempted if I had the money.
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Re: Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by Hamradioop »

a larger bunker for sale 1/2 Million ... -for-grabs
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Re: Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by BadgerSE »

Hamradioop wrote:a larger bunker for sale 1/2 Million ... -for-grabs
This for me is like bunker porn. :mrgreen:

As you can tell peeps my prepping dream is, bunkers. Sad/ slightly weird interest I admit but I would pay good money to live in a decent bunker. Yes that's not normal I know.. :lol:
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Re: Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by ForgeCorvus »

Time-Share Bunkers anyone??
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Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by defender130 »

Only problem is if the SHTF you would never get to it in time for it to be use, or we would all have to move to NI and get on living together

Did try persuading my wife we should sell up and buy it but no luck

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Re: Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by BadgerSE »

defender130 wrote:Only problem is if the SHTF you would never get to it in time for it to be use, or we would all have to move to NI and get on living together

Did try persuading my wife we should sell up and buy it but no luck

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In a nuclear war you would only have minutes notice to get to shelter. Like you say - most people would be unable to get to one in time. My nearest old WW2 underground radar station is 20 mins away from where I live!!
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Re: Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by sniper 55 »

The last I heard (and it was a long time ago) was that in the event of a sudden attack there was no plans to inform the public. The thinking then was the people were safer inside their houses than outside trying to get somewhere, and secondly they didn't want the main roads and especially motorways clogged, indeed there were plans to close off the motorway system to traffic if they had enough warning. This so military could move about quickly. Some sections of the motorways were planned as runways for the harrier... now sadly gone. With the bridges acting as hangers.
As for owning a bunker, while the offical warning might not be enough, there may be a period of increased tension or early warning signs that means we could bug out to our shelter and wait for it to go bang.
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Re: Nuclear Bunker for £200k

Post by BadgerSE »

Interesting, I've not heard of that Sniper.. I guess governments will always have a plan A, B, C and probably a D to deal with most threats.

But all of us preppers on here I would like to think would only need a few days notice/ warning and at worse a few minutes or hours to prep for whatever was about to go down, or in this case - bang. I have my plans and I am unlikely to deviate from it if my life was in danger. Who knows.

Still doesn't stop me from wanting my own nuke bunker fully kitted out for medium to long term survival until some sort of normally is restored. Be it financial collapse, WW3, disease epidemic or whatever we face. I need to win the lottery haha. :lol:
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