So, what I'm hearing is:
Tape up anything where dust could get in - air vents and chimneys, catflaps and any cracks/gaps in window frames. But would tape be enough or does it need to be a piece of thick plastic?
Buy FFP3 masks and wear them - inside?
Don't go out for at least two weeks? Longer? Then you do, make sure you strip and wash yourself/clothes in a decontamination room before moving round the rest of the house.
Buy a f**kton of water and keep it inside so that it can't be contaminated.
So you'll need also a wind up radio (will batteries work or does that depend on the type of blast?), wind up lighting, head torches, things to cook on (inside and safely) or just eat whatever's cold in tins (appetising

), bin bags, wet wipes, stuff to deal with toilet situations (assuming the water is off or can't be used due to contamination - and you don't want to use your precious waters stocks to flush the loo if you don't need to and you can't get rid of waste outside if it's not actually safe to go outside).
Is it safe to move around the house assuming that you've made it dust-proof? Or should you stay in one room?
This conversation passed ridiculous in the rear view mirror about 10 posts ago, but here we are, having a serious discussion about protecting ourselves from a mad Russian who may try to vaporise us.
Just gonna get a large glass of wine...