Staying positive

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Re: Staying positive

Post by itsybitsy »

TimeisRunningOut wrote:
Clearly you aint read my post
Did I say anything about end of the world?
Judgement day?

Here's a fact for ya

99.9% of CONSPIRACY THEORIES come straight out of the pentagon

Because like you said,
They make the real "truth" bearer's look crazy

Thanks for contributing to the problem :mrgreen:

I guess you aren't operating on a spiritual wavelength my friend
I can prove my claims about the government (peice of cake)
I can't prove that you are a spiritual being though.........

That's something YOU have to figure out in your own time, space etc.

For you to tie up spirituality and the gradual evolving of the human mind in the same group as some stupid conspiracy theories(and there are tons) then you arent any worse than Bush in my mind because thats exactly what he would have done

Pop back in 2013.... did I say the earth wasn't gonna be here?
Once again, putting words in my mouth
I expect to be MORE than alive in 2013 and I expect (some) of you to be too if you have enough preps to last you till then (i think the economy COULD (maybe) crash well before then)

Where's the outrageous conspiracy theory claim here?

Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My bad..................
You didn't even realise you had a pineal gland so you had to bash me :mrgreen:
Didnt your momma ever teach you manners? Especially to those who speak truth (the real spiritual and metaphysicial truth)

Im 21 .......... i guess you are (probably) much older and much more deep-rooted in your material way of thinking that you won't be able to comprehend what I'm saying, though you will deffo remember what I said :) PEACE FROM A SLIGHTLY SPIRITUAL CHAVVY 8-)
Mate - get a grip and stop posting shite.

Re: Staying positive

Post by Technik »

diamond lil wrote:Hi Technik thank you for that. He's got all the licenses and bumf - he's a team leader in a complex of night clubs and pubs and a cinema. We've told him to ask the company for a change of site. I suppose he will if/when he has to, but its very worrying to watch him in such pain.
Ok, so that means a lot of standing and walking so I think he should definitely change his site for some static and/or cctv operational. At least until he deals with his foot problem.
I also have a foot problem and it started about 9 years ago when I twisted my ankle and now returns when I drive too much, which I do, but found that if I wear shoes with thicker soles then it doesn't hurt so much.
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Re: Staying positive

Post by diamond lil »

Yea think you're right. It wont go away - he's got this for life - something to do with trapped nerves in the feet. he was/is a black belt in karate and we think maybe that had summat to do with it maybe. But either way he'll have to find a way to cope with it and stay cheerful like the rest of us eh.

Re: Staying positive

Post by Technik »

Good luck with that lil !

Re: Staying positive

Post by silverrider »

Bladerunner wrote:Just to clarify, Red Doe did not leave because of Conspiracy theories, he left over a diasagrement with vegans. Are we going to censore all vegans?

If you do not trust the government then that in itself is a good resaon to start prepping and could be the reason for some people actually joining this site.

There is a thread on why people are prepping so we can all post in there as to our reasons.

I for one agree that a lot of what we are told in the mainstream media is a complete crock and that is why I don't watch it, read it, or listen to it. I get more knowledge about what is happening in the world by coming on here.

My distrust of the Powers That Be got me into prepping and if I want to feel positive (as this thread suggests) I just go into my back bedroom and look at my preps and think, I am better set up than 99% of the population and even if the kids and grandkids descend on us in hard times, we can look after them too.

That alone makes me feel all toasty inside and keeps me positive.

Be Lucky (and may your god go with you)
Now THERE is the voice of reason. :)
Red Doe

Re: Staying positive

Post by Red Doe »

Red Doe's a 'she' :D (I'dve thought the Doe part of the name would've given that away though :lol: )
and now I see what all the fuss was about.
And I gave the site a break both because of the vegan issue and the conspiracy theorists. Real life is bad enough to cope with without the added input of every crackpot idea out there.
CC, if you are around, pllleeeeaaseee come back!
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Re: Staying positive

Post by jansman »

Ok!I started this thread, so let us all get back on track!Folks have left,had disagreements etc. That is positive! Why? Because it means we live in a democracy. We have the right to free speech and opinions.

The economy is going to Hell and things don't look great. BUT. Right now,do you still have money coming in?do you have a roof over your head?Is there grub in the house?Heat?
If it's YES! then life is looking pretty damn positive.

So let's get positive!
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.

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diamond lil
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Re: Staying positive

Post by diamond lil »

Just said the same thing to the OH who is moaning his face off about everything. And I mean everything!

Re: Staying positive

Post by silverrider »

jansman wrote:On another thread here we strayed onto the topic of positive thinking in the face of adversity.
We all know that it's the right thing to smile and stay positive even when life is tough.
Just like many here funds are tight at Chez Jansman and the job situation is shaky( well it's standing on the edge of the cliff!)But is that going to get us down?Hell No !

So to kick off,I stay positive by getting up each morning ,looking forward to my 20 mile bike ride to work.Tonight I will cut some free firewood towards the Winter stockpile.
Those two actions will cost me time only,and you know? I just dealt with two pressing problems-The cost of transport and heating fuel.

No three benefits-I am keeping fit too.

Let's have some positive feedback!

The dawn of each new day is another opportunity to fill our cups!
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Re: Staying positive

Post by jansman »

silverrider wrote:
jansman wrote:On another thread here we strayed onto the topic of positive thinking in the face of adversity.
We all know that it's the right thing to smile and stay positive even when life is tough.
Just like many here funds are tight at Chez Jansman and the job situation is shaky( well it's standing on the edge of the cliff!)But is that going to get us down?Hell No !

So to kick off,I stay positive by getting up each morning ,looking forward to my 20 mile bike ride to work.Tonight I will cut some free firewood towards the Winter stockpile.
Those two actions will cost me time only,and you know? I just dealt with two pressing problems-The cost of transport and heating fuel.

No three benefits-I am keeping fit too.

Let's have some positive feedback!
Bang on!
The dawn of each new day is another opportunity to fill our cups!
In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on.

Robert Frost.

Covid 19: After that level of weirdness ,any situation is certainly possible.
